Acta Univ. Agric. Silvic. Mendelianae Brun. 2012, 60(6), 369-374|DOI:10.11118/actaun201260060369
Does the water reuse affect the fish growth, welfare quality?
- Štěpán Lang, Jan Mareš, Radovan Kopp
- Ústav zoologie, rybářství, hydrobiologie a včelařství, Mendelova univerzita v Brně, Zemědělská 1, 613 00 Brno, Česká republika
The fish production in aquaculture is growing from year to year. However capacities of current aquaculture facilities are limited. So the need of intensification of old facilities and building new intensive facilities is obvious. The high intensity of fish culture generates some questions. Could water reuse affect fish growth, welfare, health or quality of final product? A lot of research was performed for this issue but just a few works compared water reuse systems (RAS) versus flow thru systems (FTS). A problem with CO2 oversaturation was solved by shallow diffusers. Fin erosion seems to be a problem of high stocking density and system hygienic but it is not related directly to water reuse. A few papers were written about biochemical blood stress markers but it was mostly aimed to acute crowding or changes were found at extreme stocking densities over 124 kg.m3 for rainbow trout and 70 kg.m3 for sea bass. The fish are able to accustom to increased noise produced by RAS equipment very fast so it don't affect fish negatively. There wasn't found any prove of main water reuse to fish influence in the available literature. All results indicates that if the ecological parameters are kept in natural range for the fish reared in RAS, there is no negative effect of water reuse on fish.
Keywords: recirculation, fin erosion, carbon dioxide, stocking density, RAS
Grants and funding:
This review was created with support of project NAZV: Optimization of the conditions of intensive salmonids farming in the Czech Republic using Danish technology, focusing on quality of produced fish. (QI91C001) and the Research plan No. MSM6215648905 "Biological and technological aspects of sustainability of controlled ecosystems and their adaptability to climate change", which is financed by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic.
Received: June 15, 2012; Prepublished online: July 19, 2013; Published: July 20, 2013 Show citation
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Lang, Š., Mareš, J., & Kopp, R. (2012). Does the water reuse affect the fish growth, welfare quality? Acta Universitatis Agriculturae et Silviculturae Mendelianae Brunensis,60(6),369-374. doi:10.11118/actaun201260060369
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