Tampa Bay Times from St. Petersburg, Florida (2024)

PAGE TWENTY-TWO TIMES PHONE 5-1111 ST. PETERSBURG TIMES, TUESDAY, AUGUST 19. 1952 TIMES PHONE 5-1111 WTSP 1380 Kc GASOLINE ALLEY By FRANK KING Eggs And Produce Dividends Treasury Report Fnim Merrill Lynch. Pierre, I- enner i 1 1 i Tuesday. August 19, IHow come i worked an A WASHINGTON fAP) The position of the Treasury Aug.

14 compared with cor- connived 50 hard to qet lesponoinE oate a vear aeo I i But the QloryT Glory be buoped? tkm I'm Don't How are things 7 Snafu, as usual it all rASkeex! AIM get one thing 1 cantmake me at City Hall -A. A headache at llT '3 Qripes figure out. fK guess. 4ns. i nicao icpurtea uy uie mine Aug.

H. 1952 4-Hit (W- uiif fmm xjtm 230 323 799 16 Marketing Bureau represent sales in small 57 61 5 1 1 1 60 i icbbing lots by dealers truckers and 5 441 699 575 8 lfarmers direct to retailers In Tampa the 20 653 S05 57 I morninE of Monday. Aug. IS. 1952.

The 4 168959 oo 28 jobbers buying price would generally 37-17 7 iDe a margin lower, for information call Net Budget Receipt Budget expenditures Cash Balance Customs Receipt tor Month Budget Receipts Fiscal Year July Budget Expenditures Fiscal Year Budget Deficit Total Debt Increase over previous day-Gold Assets 1 44 367.202.91 269.774.846.38 7.521 819. 204. 00 22 44 232.54 5 129. 691. 223.

58 9 023.696.1S3.23 3 894. 004. 959. 5 263.026 544.581.48 41.991. 291.

S3 23 344.276,319.51 in 4 am pa. 2 699.414.337.69 255.916.220,735.49 rKUTS fruits light. demand slow. 21 799.S20.75S.22 Supply of market dull. INVESTING COMPANIES Beane Ken.

Pay I Stock Rule Date Date Aerovox Corp. .15 9- 2 9-15 jAshlana Oil and P.er .25 8-25 9-15 i Associated Investment Loo 9-12 9-30 Beneficial Loan .50 9-15 9-iti E. J. Brach Sons .75 9- 5 10- 1 Crown Zellerbach .75 9-12 10- 1 lEdison Bros. Stores .30 8-30 9-12 O.

A. Fuller .25 9-15 9-30 1 Genl. Box .01 9- 9 Id- 1 Geni. Portld Cement 9-15 9-30 Hecla Mng Co .25 8-25 9-18, Ills Central RR Loo 9-3 lo- 1 KCity Southern Ry 1.25 8 29 9-15 Kennecott Cpr Dist 1.25 8-29 9-30 Lenn and Fink Prods .20 8-2 9-li New Hamshire Fire .50 9- 2 1 0- 1 Ogilvie Flour Mills .25 8-27 10- 1 do EXTRA .25. 8-27 10- I Reed Prentice Corp .15 9- 3 9-10 Reynolds Metals .25 9-19 10- 1 Robertshaw Fulton 9-10 9-19 Sundstrand S'acb.

Tool .30 9-10 9-20 'Texas Utilities .17 8-29 10- 1 Foil CI A and .20 9-19 10- 7 'Wright Hargreaves Mm Ltd .03 8-27 10. 1 Velit.w Cab .20 8-23 9- 2 do .37 i Kl-lO 111-31 do 1-10 1-31-53 00 4-10 4-3(1-53 i do .37 'a 7-10 7-31 1 Greenfield Tap Die .50 9- 8 -is I liana Stores REG QL'AR .20 8-29 9-15 Pitts Consold Coal .75 8-29 9-12 i Pitney Bowes .25 8-28 9-12 1 i I Dupont Demours .85 8-25 9-13 and Co .85 8-25 9-13; Reeves Bros. .30 9- 2 9-12' jNationa! Tank EXTRA .124 9-1 9-12' do REG QUAR 9- 1 9-12! Kent Moore Organization .15 8-22 9- jDuraloy Co .05 9-15 9-30, Associated Spring to 9- 1 9-10 Chicago Towel 1 50 9- 5 9 19 1 Potter Co .40 8-30 9-19 Canada Dry Ginger 9-15 10- 11: 5.00 8 75 7.76 4 14 7.21 5. 1 8 25.96 2.19 12.09 11.51 .93 1.30' Apples, sou. bu.

4. on. Avocados. bu. 3.0O-5.50.

4 5 bu. crts. 3.40-3.2j- Cuba crts. 2.75-3.00. Bananas.

Imports per 08. Lemons. Cal. boxes 360-49us. 10.5(1-11 Limes, Fla.

Persian types 2.75-3.00. Peaches. bu. Elbertas. 3.50-3.75.

Sales 4 25. VEGETABLES Supply of vegetables light to moderate, demand slow; market generally dull. Beans. Sou. bu.

T. greens 5. IK): Limas sou. bu. 5.00.

Pole types 7. uo-7. 50. Cabbage. Sou.

50 lb. sax. 3.0t. Cauliflower. West.

3.5o. Celery, crts. Pascal, 4 00. Corn, green, sou. crts.

5s, 3.10. Cukes. bu. 3. Eggplant.

Sou. 2.00-2.50. Lettuce, L. A. crts.

Iceberg. S.50. Okra. Sou. bu.

hprs. 2 50-4 (Hi. Onions. West, 50 lbs. sax yellows.

3.00- Groin Table Treasury Bonds Cotton NEW YORK Bonk Stocks urnlshed hv rHinev ft I- Iftrlda erurt1le nnipinir IAPi Closing over Government Treasury net change and iieio. CHICAGO 1 NEW YORK iAPi future and the counter U. bi.mis. hid, asked. T-2s 53-52 T-2 54-52 T-2s 54-52 Dec.

99.: 1 displayed early strength ierdy then weakened near tne under the .1 .1 2 17 2 21 2 17 2 15 weight of profit-taking and si Final prices were 50 cents a hedging. higher WHEAT Sep. Dec. Mar. May Jlv.

..2 41 i. ten's Inwer. l.oo to 1 2" 1.43 IIRX 4(irn Hitch I.im Sep. 55-53 T-2s 55-53 1 ec. 2s 55-53 June 2 56-54 2.S o-55 T2'-s 58-56 T-2 59-56 59-56 T-2's 59-57 58 63-58 1.7 1.7 ,4 17 36 11.

34 12.56 27 72 26. S8 20.04 12.53 19.20 3.33 38.80 20.30 19.22 i 7.51 6.49 i n.oo: 28.24 No 4.38 5.42 I 3 771 4.78 5.77! 6.27 5 32 I 8.64 42 4 I 19.44 16.32 i 3.25. Peppers, Sou. bu. various varieties 2 75-.

3.50. Potatoes, Eastern, per 100 wt- white, i 7.50. Bliss 7.5o. Potatoes, sweet. South, 3 00-6 00.

Squash, Sou. bu. yel. crooks, 3.00-4.00. 1 Tomatoes.

North; 4045 7.50-j 8.50: crts. 20 lbs. 3.00-4 25. Turnips. Fla.

per doz. bun. 3.00. Note: Poorer stock of some commodities, i I I Dec. Mar.

Mat 1 811 99.20 99.15 loo. 99 .13 1O0.20 .101.22 .103.14 98,22 .101.28 99 .20 99.22 24 97. 22 97.20 .108.16 98 28. 98, 97 10 97 2 100 1 99 22 99 1 7 1O0.2 99 17 VKI.26 101 28 103 20 100.12 9s 26 105.2 99.24 99.24 107. 97 26 97.21 los 24 99.

98 4 97.14 97 6 97 4 4 4 hance 87 i r.s. 77-854 4- 4 r.s To-71 5-6 17 19- 36 io 35.94' -4 s-t 38 67 i .36 1 5 35 9' I TS 39 18 39 17 3" 12 94 3V4' "6 38 36 19 40 JUT Oct 1 iec. J'v Oct Dee Middbn; Bid. High I.ow (lose 2.33-t 2 33 2.33' 2 4o-- 2.3SS 2.39", 2.45'- 2.44s 2.45 2.46', 2.45 2 45 2.41 2.40' 179'. 1 .78 1 78; 1 73 1.75 1 75' 1 80'; 1.79'v 1.79'-.

1.KJ4, 1.80 1 80 8( 83T 84 SO 81 1, 88 91 41 91 XI- 90'; 2 11 2 09 2 2 13 2 10', 2.11 2.15 2H4 211'i 3 23 3.1S-, 3.19", 3 3 Id 3.1(1'-3 3.11 3.12', .3.13 3.1!', 3.11', 3.12'i 3.09 3.09'., Hid -Ur4 h. Fk Am NT A SA 3(1 31', Fk Manh 2s 34' Kk if NY 317 32 Bankers 49 Cha.e 4o 4t-'s, 'l mical (n 48, ontl 7 Exi t. 7 4- Empire 165 NBNY 396 -2 G'ja-anry 310 1 Hanover V.a 96 4 I'm Bk of Con-iTi 32 35 22-4 FRS 62 61 I organ Va 25s rnv 18 I- lis Public 46 47 4 Steelier NB TP. 115 Tmst Co 21 Cut- NB TR Ci go 52 55 V.nt' 11 NB st: 7i 1t NB Chgo 253 210 1 Non tin Tr Chgo 645 4WH 5 Nati Bk of 7et 44 46 T-2 62-59 T-2 K2-59 0: June Dec. 2.43 1 16 2 42 2.42 1 49 2.5i 2 5o 1 62 2 58 2.64 2 68 2.

70 91 S. fHCs, off 30. at lower prices than quoted here. spot 65-60 2 -Nominal. Dec Mav KVK Sep Dec Mav Local Florida Securities Over-The-Counter Prices .2 NEW YORK cATt (Natl.

do RR Equip 4 55 Securities Dealers, Inc. 1 do RR Stic 7 9 Rtrf Asked I do Steel 7. OR Aberdeen Fd 92 1.01 1 do Tob 3 76 Affiliated Fd 4 91 5.31 do Ltd 6 57 Am Bus Shrs 4 02 4.35 Howe Plan Fd 4 79 Axe Houghton Fd 9.88 10.74 Hudson Fd 24 01 do is. 63 20.25 Income Found Fd 2 01 B'air Hold 1 S7 2.37 Incorp Investors II 18 Blue Ridge Mut 9 83 10.74 Instl Sh Ltd: A via 13.24 Bond Inv Tr Am 21.14 23.05 do Bank Boston Fund 23 19 25 07 do Instur 1 IS Broad St Iny 22.31 24.17 do Stks ft Bd 15. Bullock Fund 24 29 26.61 Investment fo Am 12.27 Canadian Fd 12 09 13.09 Invest Tr Bost 11 49 Century Stirs Tr 14 84 16.05 Keystone Cust Bl 26 50 Canada Gen Fd 9.19 9 94 do 2 2164 Chemical Fund 2090 22 61 1 do 3 1 36 Comwlth Invest 6 97 7.58.

do 4 1118 Cons Invest Tr 3l.no 33.00, do I 17 60 Delaware Fond 16 72 18.3s' d- 2 27 81 Diversified Fd Agri 12 26 13.44 do 1 35 57 do Auto 9 02 9 .89 do 2 18 61 d-l Aviat 10 51 11.52 do 3 17 62 do Bldg Slip 10 84 11.88i do 4 6 88 do Chem 17 00 18.63 i Knickerbocker Kd 5 92 do Div Com Pile 5 24 5 74 i Lexington Fd 1 06 do Divers Inv 13.36 14 64jLoomis Sav Muf 38 24 do Pfd stk 11 69 12 81' do 2d Fd No rio Ft Foyuip 15 16 16.61 jManag Fd Auto 3 rio Merch 13.0(1 14 25' do El Equip 4 92 do Metals 13 01 H.261 do Gen 3 42 do Oils 29 06 31 .85 do Non Ferr 4 34 do Pac Cst 13 67 14 do Paper 5 24 do PR 8 36 9 16: rio Petrol 5 70 do RR Equip 8 so 9 42i do Steel 4 d- Steel 9 41 10.31 Manhat Bond Fd 7 88 Diversified Tr 9 15 10.75 Mass Invest Tr 39.28 Dividend Shrs 1 93 2. 11 Vass Invest Browth Fund 17 98 Fat ft How Bal Fd 32 21 34.44 I Mutual Fd Bos 15 01 do Stic 23.68 25.32 'Mutual Invest 16.02 Fidelity Fund 18.18 19.57 Nation Wide Bal Fd 15.se Finan Tnd Rd 2 61 2.fi:Natt Investors 12.23 First Boston Cp 33.25 35. 25 i Natl Sec Ser-Bd 7.03 First Mutual Tr Fd No No do Low Bd 7 01 Founders Muf Fd 8 07 8 77' do Pref Stk 7.69 Frank Cue Fd 6 93 7 6" 1 do Inocme 5.00 do pf 7.1S 7.7CI do Specul 5 79 Fundamental Tnv 20 13 22 06, do Stock 5 69 Cas Indust Fd 20 73 22.41 do lnd Stk 10 01 Gen Capital Cp 57 28 61 59 do Low Stk 5 35 Gen Investors Tr 5 92 6 43; do Selected No Group Sec Auto 7 92 S.SSiNatur Res Fd 4.82 do Aviat 8 92 9 England Fd 18 do Bids 8 73 9 57 Pac Am Inv 5 90 ris Chem 9 14 10 01 Putnam Fd 19 112 do rom Stk 8 58 9 40 Repub Inv Fd 3.16 rio Fleet 11.51 15 88 Scuddcr St Ck 57 R9 do Foods 4 95 5 (4 Sharehldrs Tr 26 93 do Fully Am 7 87 8 63 Sovereign Inv s.21. do Gen Fd 8 50 9.32 State Street Invest 69.25 do lnd Men 9 40 Technical Fd 8 91 do Inst Bd 9 29 9 68 Television Fd 13 11 do Invest 13 20 14 45 Union Bond Fd No do Iflw Sh 6 94 7 61 I'nion pf Stk Fd No ii Mreh 8 48 9 29 United Income Fd 12.52 dn Mining 7 66 40 Value Line Fd 6 09 Ho ptrol 1407 15.40 Whitehall Fd 19 53 do RR Bd 2.71 2 99 'Wisconsin Inv 4.24 7-62 68- 63 69- 64 T4MPA MARKET FLORIDA GRADE A tlCALITY T-2' T-2 '-3 T-2'. T-2'vS T-2 's Dec.

69-64 Furnished by Eisele King. Libaire NEW EN 4 4tTTOV NEW ORLEAN i APi tures advanced over $151 here yesterday but reacted ter tinder profit taking ft Cotii.n fu-a hae party downward ia-om tne Ifr.g i 2 2 Stout members of the York Stock Exchange, located on the Beaches at 7217 Gulf Boulevard. St. 96 .30 96.28 New i NO EA Ns. Gulf (Sep Pe- I Nov Ja n.

711-65 71- 66 72-67 72- 67 72-67 97.2 97. 97.6 97.2 and hedge Ciosinc 'W-e one Sept. I 'ec. 2.7(1 2.7(1 2.68 2 69 sec- T-2'. WHITES AND BROWNS Minimum weights per case: Jumbo 56 1 Extra Large 5014 Large 46 Medium 39i Small 34 Pee Wees 28 lbs.

Minimum weights per dozen' as shown below. Supply moderate. Market about steady. tersburg Beach. Bid Offered .4 .6 .4 thirty ttn reH- cents a bale high 97.2 96.28 dollar" steady 2o lower.

cents Prices (jiioted and 10 11' hg 4 lose taxes but not onds. TS uhiect to state income to federal taxes. side were to 10 Oct Dc Mch Vay Jiy 3 3.13'.. 3 13', 3 11.20 1 1.40 11.50 12,42 12.62 12. SO MIKI.HI High 39 67 39 17 39 13 38 94 3s 10 4 (pen 05 3 99 39 s'j 3- 25 l.ow 38.91 38 SS 38 85 3S.66 38 25 Mar Mav Mill Se p.

Oct. Nov I ec. Jan. Mar Mav 38 92 49.91 4 6.i 38 ill- Burdine's Tnc. Canada Dry Bottling Co.

of Florida Florida National Bank of Jacksonville Florida National Bank of St. Petersburg Florida Power Corporation 4 -h Pfd. 11 22 11.42 11.52 12 45 12.62 12.82 11 02 11 22 11 35 12.25 12 6i 12.75 11.02 11.22 11 35 12.25 12.27 12 6o 12.75 Trend Of Staple Prices I NEW YORK The Associated Presl weighted 'e price i'ldt-x of 35 com-modiris today advanced to 186.43. iav 1s6 39, w-ek aco 186 f'2. month ago 384 5o vea' ago 17 69 17.04 13 22 7 34 7 66 8.40 5-46 4 14 6.22 10 94 5.85 No 5.26 19.57 6 40 20 .56 3.45 57 89 29.11 8 99 72.75 9 71 ALL SALES TO RETAILERS Current Market per Dozen Florida Grade A Mln.

80' Grade A) Wght. Loose Car. Large 24 oz. 66 71 Medium 21 oz. 58 63 Small 21 oz.

45 50 Extra Large 27 oz. 6S 73 Sales to Consumeis nv Producers gen Most Active Issues On N. Y. Curb Market The most active issues traded on the New York Curb Exchange yesterday were: DOMESTIC STOt 1SNI ES NEW ORLEANS iAPi closed stearly 5(i certs a ha lower. Sales 1.514.

liw middling 32 71: midrinni: 39.20. giKid middling 40.2ti. F.eceipts none. Stock 28 912. 88 98 102 111 80 86 96 llll) 110 l'io': GRAIN Sep.

Dec. 3 50 ll 177 37 1951 1951 195H l-irh 195 .241 215 207 64 150.05 102 Low 18217 159 30 i 1926 average equa's ioJ Futures closed 50 era 10-15 per cent higher than quota- a ba' than the certs iov er gher pre- to 20 vious cenls Sutter, Eggs CHICAGO (API (USDAl Kaiser Fraer M'. S. Radiator National Phoenix TAMPA MARHKT Vol. Close N4 9.5IK1 4 -r', 7 VH! 13 6 .11 Ml 2 5 'H 8 1, 4 800 III STOtK ES 4 60 Pfd.

4. 90 Pfd. do 4.90 Pfd. Convert. Florida Power Light Pfd.

Convert. Florida Public Utilities Com. i Pfd. (Florida Telephone Com. I Foremost Dairies (Hudson Pulp Paper 5.12 Pfd.

Com. i Minute Maid Pfd. Com. Southeastern Public Srv-1 ice V. S.

Airlines But-! Rarinm Stainless 82 11" 19' 23 18 market about steady. jier nrm: w-noiesaie setung prices t'ri-1 We vv and Kanpp Supply moderate Live rteiini 14.29 I 38 85 36 77 38.67 38 15 36 15 35 98 Open .39 06 ..38 97 ...38.811 ..36 18 .16 .05 High 39 IS 39 39. 1 2 "8 94 3,8 40 36 38 36 19 (lose 38 87 38,85 38 77 38 70 36 17 35 94B FOREIGN I cnangeo to cent a pouno nigner: aa m.i score 74.74.25: A 92-73 80 Del. to Dressers Foreign Exchange 4 NKW YORK iAPi riosiT-e forpien 4- rxohHnet rt? fotinw- (Geai Britain tn li dol Urs. nth-prj in t-priis 4 i Ornrjjan rtnilar Nrw Vork op4n jmirkri 4 Z2 pr rnt trmmrri or Oct.

Dec. Mch. Mav Jlv. Oct. Dec, Middling Bid.

'4 No 1 Per Pound No i Fryers, Red 3 lbs. 13.61 (Fryers, Red 2-3 lbs 6 66 Hens, Red Heaw 5 20.6OO 8 6UO 8 6O0 3'- up mostly mostly ins. up mostly 72.25-72.75: 8970.25-70.5. British Celanese Eggs steady; wholesale selling prices tin-i Pancoastal Oil changed: extras large 55.5-58; extras me- Bailey Selhurn Oil ilium stanria-ris 44-46; current re-1 Devon Iduch eeipts 38-40; dirties 33-34; checks 'New British Cominion -3 16 iVKl 3 5 16 White, spot 40 2IN off 30. 21 on 4 59 Hens, Hens.

Heavy 4 under 4 lbs. mostly lbs. mostly 52c 47c Oil 6 500 3 1 16 light DIAL DUAL nil ii ii More Ads More Readers More Results 1 7 TRANSPORTATION (Conf.) CLASSIFIED AD RATES 2 house bill 1 1 75 THREE LINE MINIMUM RATE an ad i (Cont.) CHANLTE AIR BASE Champaign, 111. Leaving Aug. 29.

Take 2 or 3. Share exp. 152742 St. So. Ref.

Exterminators Insuronce (Cont.) Landscaping and Lawn BUILDERS MORTGAGE CORPS Service (Cont.) of less than three lines being cnarjed as three lines. COUNT FIVE WORDS TO THE LIN h. I Day Sun. per line per day .29 I Day Daily per line per day .28 IN COMPLIANCE with House Bill No. 1175, Chapter No.

20953. Laws of Florida. 1941. Watson's Luncheonette. 20ol 1st Ave.

So. Mr. Wm. L. Alk Catherine M.

Alk. sole owners. Contt-actors (Cont. S7ix7v.ON rCON ST UCTi 1 0NC0. General contractors Ph.

3-91S4 Papering, Decorating (Cont.) 'CALL IIANN-GEKOW Pt. 4. lor pact-en wbo use Barreled Sunllcnt PraU A PERFECT INSECT CONTROL SHELL, TOP SOIL FILL S. S. SILVERSTAR CRUISE NEW YORK PENN.

SOCIETIES FOR RESERVATIONS RALPH JONES -27th Ave. No. Ph. 52-9072 Fog-em with mosquito beater. Mosquitoes Insurance.

Mortgages. Real Estate gnats, insects on trees, shrubs gar-jyun Central Avee. Ph. 7-019t 5 PERSONALS Ph. 2-2022 Lambert mints.

250 9m St- S. 7-5302. ANDY E. MANN pnone ffens. For demonstration write DOUGLAS CONST.

CO. GenX contract. A Bldr. of Lovely Homes PHONE 2-4704 Jalousies No. LEARN 4.REGG SHORTHAND 6 weeks.

7fl under Eugenia B. Small, experienced Capt. Jack Leagan. 2633 (joth Ave. Ph.

41-88 Fits mrt p-m cr mowers. i Days per line per day .27 5 Days per line per day .22 Days per line per day .17 Days per line per day .16 6 Days per line per day .15 I Davs per line per day .14 Larger approved types charged for according to space occupied. Sunday Hours i lo 1 teacher. Typing, spelling. vocabulary- building.

Individual instruction. $2 hour 1841 59th St. So. Ph. 32-1945 MAJORCA ISLES OFF SPAIN TERMITE CONTROL FREE INSPECTION Southern Laboratories AVE.

SO PH. GLASS LOUVER WINDOWS America Most Beautiful Windows Clcorview Louver Window Corp. Nn. Ph. 7 1M C.E.V.

llolSE' remodefins ad ditions. Cabinet work by contract. Free est. Staines Bros. 755-38 AvS.

51-7424 W. F. SINCLAIR SON General Contractor ButUlcr ot gooo homes. Free estimate on your lot or ours 2-Vi0 3tn ve. No.

Ph. 41 ONLY THE BEST in Read v-to-Wear at moderate prices carry the GREEN GATE label. 216 1st Ave. 7-213 Lond Clearing Bulldozing Drag Line LOTS OK ACREAGE, AND ror 3-70. or Auto For- EXPE TREE EM 0 IN TOPFING PRUNING EQUIPPED TO SAVE, 1V-I TIED LAWNS SPRAYED TP.EES A.

L. KING SOLOMON 2t('1-7'h Ave No Ph, 73 6181 Able Painters Decorators Work for Least Money 41-4M4 pXintTng INTERIOR ENTFF.tni? 25 YP.S. EXPERIENCE Trimble. 22 36th Ave No. pi, 41 6432 SANDERS PAINTING AND DECORATING I A- Insured quality workrnanth'n 7 -f- Vn Ph Tl foVf 4 F7.f7e''ahi pimt.

w-o ii Pii PonCs quality prod- ic 723 Ccrtra'. Ph. 7 4111. THE TIMES WILL NOT BE No. IN MEDITERRANEAN Inexpensive Delightfu1 Spots $2 PER DAY, ALL MEALS iNCL Persons-Londsee Travel Service LaiTinj Shades KOK YOUR PEST PROBLEM SANITARY PEST CONTROL 906 CENTRAL AVE.

PH. 7-16: RESPONSIBLE FOR MORE Z'IJ'11; Je i ME chlorrianp. ONE INCORRECT THAN VffiX Maa. LAMPS ti Hlh.S ill mod erate priced separate shades A lamp Bros. fentrai pn.

-2281 OLSON STUDIO. 22U1 4 St. Pf. 703222 i oor "sandcr A KT i LAJJPS, HE INSERTION CONTRACT RATES UPON Floot Resurfacing EKANt IS-. Kit IIARI.

fini'ltcr Old a DIAMOND SACRIFICE specialty 'GENERAL HOl M. Adilltoms. FRANK B. ANDF.RSHN. 1221 Arlington Ave No.

Ph. 79-0054. I CARPENTER Repairing Remodeling I No Job Too Small Cabinet Woik Phone 41-4034 ADDITIONS REPAIRS Trim. Hicksun. 51-4912 52-2654 treepARIED Fiberglass shades.

330 17th i Ave. So. (Near 3rd) Ph 74 6355 APPLICATION DIAL 5-1111 Lady's solitaire diamond, about 1 ct. Yel-(low gold Tiffany setting. Sacrifice $215.

Bromlev. 51 5th St. No. MAY WE QUOTE YOU? Photostating LondscaDina and Lawn Service Auto Clinic 6 Cyl. Engine Overhaul $65 estimate.


So. Ph 7-'65 Free estimates on tour landscaping, snoi solid sod lawns. Wide variety of piants palms ft shrubs. Ph, 3-8521. BARBER NURSERY 5279 3 TH AVE.

You may also place you Ad at tne fol- BACK TO SCHOOL COTTONS lowing substations: SIZES 7. 9. 11. 13 15 CLEARWATER. THE SHARON SHOP Carter Texaco Service Sta.

IQ38 4th St. So. Ph. 77-2205 Pirttiro Frflminn TOP SOIL. FILL DIRT.

LOT CLEANING. ('OOPER 549 28TH ST. S. PII. 77-6372 1 2c per square foot.

Lawns Sprayed for Chinch bugs, fungus, worms. P'ant Mart Nurseries. 324122 St. I r- cj ---a ORDER rower uwn mowing cugmu yi KE framing TO YOl titALHCS rn.i-.3ij A. BRADENTON Ph.

4-5783 1 210 First Ave. No. Ph. 51-6694 1 eUrO jeot Covers sarota Fu. 6-5391 1 WE BUY DIAMONDS i i ILL D1R1 WASHED SAND SHELL MARL Truck and Dragline Service Quick Dependable Fair SMITH, The SANDMAN GEORGE MARTIN 41-256 Ph.

Frances Gift Art Shop Complete landscaping, tractor service. Lot No Ph jI-ws I JUNGLE FLOWER GARDEN Park St. No. Ph. 3-1615 GROW ORCHIDS ON YOUR PORCH Formica EiTk IC'A tor walls, bars and sink tops Telephone 9-6491 and let George do il.

1 uin Antiques ree Estimates also canv. tops, lead linin Acrcag loll Licensed Buyers. Highest cash prices paid 21 20rh St. So. side panels.

Ph. 72-6744 filled, graded. Lawns planted. Solid oil" i.pot sod. Lawn maintenance, power spray PloSterina ing.

Ph. 3-6181 for free estimates. 2nd St Fill Dirt Black Top Scil Lawn Sand Shell BROMLEY CUSTOM TAILORED Guthrie-Wilfong Ph. 71211 i FARES NURSERY 3700 Tyrone B'vrt Announcements I rj.rTHrnn-r; FOR ALL MAKES ft MODELS In a hurrv? DAVIS Call me. 78-3254 4160 Fairfield Ave.

So. P1aterirr ft Stucco. New a-rt Repairs. PH. 7-1936 DAY OH NIGH1 WALKER FLOORS a complete line of floor coverings, counter toppings ptas-tic wall tile.

9389 St S. Ph. 79 6615 GENERAL HOUSE REPAIRS Remodeling Additions By Contract STONE PH. 7-2731 LEON C. BISHOP Antiques "'ilCCL YIIMfVlllNJ (J P4 CALi SEE OUR TAILOR FREE ESTIMATE Foundation Gatments ts Furnished Plaster Patching Repairs Bulldozing Land Clearing All Work Guaranteed To Satisfy FREE ESTIMATES.

PH 3-S653 L. A. Haney 5209 4th Ave. No NEW LAWNS OUR SPECIALTY! WALDR0N P0NTIAC SENSATIONAL new figure slimming gir CLEAN WORK GUARANTEED 'Completabs" li vitamins. 10 mineral.

100 J4 .00, Post paid. Feel better, look better. Clark, Box 478 Buena Vista Miami Fla. dle, only $13.95. Pal.

Pend. Smart Form i All lawn Service Snravinp 147 147-A 162: 17S 178 its. Unfurnished For Sale Autos For Sae Auto For Rent SAM 360 9th St. No. Ph.

7-8196 Awnings PRESCOTT PH. J-S263 4610 46TH AVE NO Shop. Pnone 75-6675. Fuel Oil TPOPlQMF, LAWN Centra. 72-0775 PAUL B.

DECKER r'fici Garden Designing. -eenhotie. Nursery' GENERAL CONTRACTOR New Construction Additions. Remodeling 183-185 Auto Repairing AWNINGS BOAT COVERS Venetian Blinds Window Sharto B0NDST0NE Bicycles 110 JOHNSTONE BROS. Repair.

Free Estimates. 62o 16th Ave. Ph. 79 1861. 111 Boots ARTBILT AWNING SHADE SERVICE "620 Tangerine Ave So Ph.

7-SS61 The miracle product that transforms i house into beautiful Bondstone. is de Loundiie- Bachelors' 1 Day Laundry 1025 Central Ave. Ph. 76-0201 PrT it TorlriV ct It f-tnT'tw Rennirina COMPLETE MATTRESS COMING SEASON Ph. 7-7763 FILL UP FOR THE 2143 5tn Ate.

So. BLINDS. siious of contacting a limited number of VENETIAN Tarpaulins. boaf covers. iven.

Furniture Refinishinq home owners that will co-operate in in trorincing Bondstone to their neighbor MclNTOSH AWNINGS LARGEST FURNITURE hood. Special consideration win be given St- Sa Ph. 7.4175 or 7-3sn Plumbinq, Heating Contractors Martin Plumbing Hcoting A TER IS ON REMODELING pi N'l 5 i M. HANco*ck 1 ft EATING 1 us for Estimates' 11 S'i Pn. 7 23T7 A 1 1 EAT I 2o -lic water avaiiabie.

I'e-oa rs n. k'v mace. C. J. GODSEY.

Ml A-'in-Kton Av-'. No. Ph 7 57'4 24 HOUR SERVICE DIRT, INC. FILL TOP SOIL SAND SHELL Dump Trucks-Drag Lines-Dozers-Cranes We Also In-tail Drain Pipe ft Sewer Pine Uml 28th St. So.



Ph. 7-Sl34 nnvtime for Esi TRACTOR WORK Rolln Hull. Ph. 41-4721. 4938 22nd St.

to those whose house is the first in the neighborhood to be transformed into Bond-stone. For additional information, call 3-9312. RENOVATION Service for all Type Mattresses ilSCN r- FU-N VFG. CO MODERNIZATION PLANT ON THE WEST COAST COMPLETE UPHOLSTERING SERVICE FURNITURE IN I I IN THE MODERN WAV MODERN PERMA-FINISH CO. I60M 4th St, So.

Ph. 7-3231 AWNINGS BY ZEPHYR isr Ave. So Ph. 7-lof. Ven.

blinds. Awninsis, Trailer Canopies SEE US FOR FREE ESTIMATES HOME SHADE AWNING CO. 1734 Central Ph. 7-7582 113 A-Z 163 85 86 149 149-A A-Z 137 106 156; 103-105; 164 114 117 115 116. 118 152; 153 166 79 80 Burtdinq Materials Business Directory Business Income Prop.

Business Opportunities Business Opp. Wanted Business Places Rent Business Places Wanted Business Service Children Boarded Clothinq Desk Space Doqs, Pets. Etc. Farms ti Groves Feed, Fertilizer Fruits. Vegetables Fuel Furniture Appliances Gifts Garages Gulf Beaches, Rent Gulf Beaches.

Sale Help. Mole Help. Male Female Day Nurseries Plowing. Mowing. Discing.

Gradms Baby Furniture Rentals, Sales KIDDIE KORRAL NURSERY KINDERGARTEN. BOARDING SCHOOL Would you like advice on buvmg a inno' Contact Mr. Fleming at ATON MUSJC COMPANY. 1203 4th St. Phone 7-5M)5 "Op0 every Wednesday evening till ft FRIENDS: LP Membership and donations.

A. Rutland Bids. Ph. 7-riSsn, Pn "-24 P- 2.392 AVE. SO.

ALL fTTT MTTREsE Pi, Jt-box springs renovated. Like new. A flamepro if mattresses ST PETERSBURG MATTRESS CO Ave. S'i, Pl 7-7f'33 Upholstering P.efinisning Slip Covers Breakfast Nooks Chair caning ft rush seats Stillman Furniture Co. ROY T.

SPEARY ft SON I Sh uhbery Pruning. Hedge Trimming I Ijwn Cutting ft Maintenance. 52-5013 JACK JILL I Largest Surfaced Playground For Better Health and Safety 2745 Centra! ERNIES PLUMBING SHOP Ph 7-37-0 or 77-4351 PLT-MR1NG HEATING REPAIRS ESTIMATES ON ALTERATIONS 7-nl'l 266 9TH ST. NO. I 1 701 3 rd Ave.

So. Ph. 7-SRR0 .1667 28th Ave. No. Ph.

52-'fi' C. H. BARRY Beauty ihops Drafting Service Gas Service fit Moving Trucking Storoqe 1 GENERAL TREE SERVICE I AILl KE REMOVED Topping ft Trimmtn; Lei ULtANUtK DtAU I bHOP ome Planning General Construction THERE'S NO POWER verv i -o p-umbir-g, healing. J. A VERY.

INC. nt Ae. No Ph. All Int. ividual Work Building Survey Protane Bottle Gas Service your 5th Ave.

North Ph. J-8K2: PUBLIC BONDED STORAGE WAREHOUSE REGILAR 5c pocket editions are sold for 10c st Haslam's. 742 Central. Ask about trading in your old pocket editions Mr more reading. FIGURINES.

PAINTS. SUPPLIES FREE INSTRUCTION Mrs. Helms Dresden Craft Supplies SHELL ISLAND STUDIO 736 Centra Ave. pn. 75 6321 PERROW- 1015-A 16th Av.

Ph 52-0241 TRACTOR WORK Grarimr ft Setting 1.VK4 43rrt Sr. So. Prione 71-7191 weather. I home. It's dependable in any RPallTV urp 78 Help.

Female 557 th Ave. no. Phone 7-7134 Detecti Aqencies rnV Dl I r. Hotels 138 i. i or.suti ccnvii.r, See Protane Bottle Gas Service: isuo Central Ave.

Ph. 7-8135 501 76tli Ave St. Pete Bch. Ph. 2-4111 Tampa Bottled Gas Company Land Clearing a bulldozing safest place in st pete Lots or acreage.

J. P. PUCKETT -1 Storage. Pack 'C0fi16th St. No.

Ph. 75-05. -Phone 7....,23 34 :5 7th Aic Houses. Furnished 154 Houses. Unfurnished 154-A 167 Houses For Solo ST PETERSBURG TRANS)-EL Leverett's Beauty Shop Specialists for 30 years.

Tinting. eaching and Permanent Waves. 539 1st Ave. No. Phone 75515 MAKE VOIR OWN brilliant costume jewelry lor gifts or profit with our extensive line of gold or silver plated WELCH NAT L.

DETECTIVE AGCY. WORLD WIDE COVERAGE 616 Empire Bldg. Ph. 7-730! Dressmakers Furriers llRT-sMAklNi kinds. Formals.

Draperies. slipcovers. 851 7th Ave. No. Ph.

79-4531. Or 7-22' WASHED LAWN SAND PHONE 41-12S5 5500 Haines Rd. ft 28th St. No. Ph.

111-6455. Complete Bottled Gas Service for, jcooking. water. heating AND STORAGE CO. SINCE 122nd St.

ft 3rd Ave So. Pn. 7-5938 TERMINAL VAN UNbi Pn. 7-5577 Two Phones. I-7ts; 325 9tn St.

So Bnx W- 158-172 88 119 90-92 6 168 119-A Poyei Lowr Mowers THE rflG IN A WHIRLWIND MOWER SINCE l'20 ALES ft SERVICE Ecazlcy Power Mower Co. ANUFACTURERS Ave So Ph. 7-7 Printers (JL ALITY PRiNTlNG CO. Photo offset ft iettcrpresi printing pn 2772 1105 Central nv. settings -imported stones.

No skill or BA1NBRIDGE BEAUTY SLON snecial tools are needed. Our Imported I Heiene Curtis remote control machine rhinestones come In 11 different spark-i less and cold wave. ling colors, illustrated catalogues free 27 Third St. So. Ph.

'disposal. Trei'er bottles filled while you Shell Top Soil Fill Dirt wait. t-. no tax. I H.

MANN. Ph. 32-2263 or 7-236. Car 13' PHONE Be served i your home, pecialtv Ph. 51-8732 Glass Draoes Alterations MAR! 2600 4th St.

So. cuamc s.ume in ce see us. wr-t i V. CUTT Inc. 1025 4th St.

No. HAZELLE5 108 i a Houses Wanted Investments, Etc. Jewelry Loans Lost Found tots Machinery Equipment Miscellaneous For Sale Miscellaneous Real Estate Motorcycles Office Space Office Equip. Store Fixtures Out of Towi, Rent Out of Town, Sales Personal Poultry Supplies Property Monoqement W. L.

INESON. The only alT-around FAC-i Completely Air Conditioned. DresshiaRing. alterations, tailoring. Man ft PICTURE FRAMING, mirrors, furniture tops, pictures.

Glazing for all purposes TORY JEWELER, in city. Watches. No. Phone 7-1309 1 women. Furs remodeled.


LONG DISTANCE. LOCAL MOVING. Modern Fireproof Warehouses 1530 Burlirgton Ave No Ph. 7 458i- Southern Transfer Storage Lor.s Di -l Moving Cold Storage h.i iirs 5' Ave. So.

Pn 7-82P clocks, chimes jewelry repairs. 304 Jul. 991 Beach Dr. No. Ph.

7-195' 2nd Ave. So. Ph. 75-8418 Auto glass installed. iSILVERNAIL (The Mirror Monli 22111 1st Ave.

So, Ph. 7-8633 i i Driveways 169 187 156 123 1S3-A 160 5 105 170 Public Stenographers ture ft AEROPLANE LUGGAGE MADE kitchen cabinets. Furni-house repair. Saws sharpened. Lawn Planting Our Specialty 12 -14th St.

No Pn. 52-347 16th St. No. Ph. 79-2533.

Hearing Aids SAVINGS TO 40 MORE! Sect Serv, Nfitary Public Telepnore Ar-w. Serv. Convention Minutes. Ph. SILVER LINE KITCHEN CABINETS C.

LARSON i Paving drivewavs both asphalt blacktop ALSO Fill dirt, shell, marl ft ton soil. Phone 41-1135 or 41-1285 MATCHED NAVY BLUE PATTERN :291 Gulfstresni Secefansl. 150-1 St. N. H'ree estimate.

Jf. Cnmtnn I' COME IN and see the new Microtone moisture proof hearing aids. Priced at $75. Auto Phone Co. 313 Hall Elrtg Pumos Reol Estate Esehanqe 171 IS" Real Estate.

Wanted 172 21" Resorts 139 26" 171 overnight cs. Overnite cs. Pullman cs. 1 GRIFFITHS 2730 22nd St. No ii 8sl Carpenterina RIVIERA NURSERIES SOD -5th Ave So Ph i ellasTa Whs ervice BTJaK BU NSPH ALT PA VTNG S0N0T0NE HEARING SERVICE Rooms With Board 140 METZELAAR WAREHOUSE FIREPROOF COOL DRY PRIVATE ROOMS ft SMALL LOTS Ir.

r-a JA' Ave. So F'h 72-6 AJAX VAN LINES Return mads or from anvwnre. Free 75-281' 3-6H4 ft cab- 808 lOK HON EST EXPERT carpenter t'h 7-5071 theatre Bide 141 nil 28th St. So. Ph.

7-0318: 29" Pullman cs. Train case SIMPSON'S LUGGAGE inet work. Try the Swede. 3a yrs. ex-Ph.

41-1175. perience. Local reference. JOHNNY BULL'S e.r'"i ve phone T3-M2 VIVE RS-PUS PS Free tsti muWs. A iso 1-3 n.

let pumps as low as S159.50 in- 'tared, Deo ft snallow wells. Full lire of Liberal terms. Make your -lavmerts cirect to us. Phone 7-2n for et imaf. HALL CO l-e irejj Ceetral Are.

63S Central pn. 79-6482 wemeteries Electrical Contractors VICTOR W. KUHL S0N Electrical Contractors and Engineers Jpticior.b Zenith Regent. Ruvat. Super Royai For f75 at ACME OPTICAL CO, 697 Cent ra on.

till 9 m. '-272i New Auditone "Unseen Ear" than a Package of relies BATTERIES ft ACCESSORIES MIDGET RADIO SHOP otn st So pn 79 64M i AVERAGE LAWNS MOWED t2 Guaranteed Lcwn Planting i LAWN PLANTING POP SOIL I PHONE 72-6354 FOP. FREE EST! TRIMMING "REMCtVTNc St. Petersburg Tree Surgery 10- 8 TH AVE NO. iV I.

SURER 73 r. -tr "Garden of Memories" beautiful MEMORIAL PARK tnriav St. ft 54th Ave. No. Ph.

3-8051 See 49th Electric Supplies and Appliances RE-WEAVING en 74 8292 R. Curtis. Fla, Theatre B'dg 6 LOSTA FOUND LOST: Gold crown pin. 2 light blue stones. ACME OPTICAL CO.

Rooms Without Board Rooms, Wanted Safes, Eauip. Seeds, Plants. Etc. Situations, Female Situations, Mole Situations, Misc. Trailers For Sale Trailers For Rent Travel Trucks For Sale Wonted To Rent Wanted To Buy Fo Hire 1804 142-143 123 122 84 83 84-A 179 146-A 7 176 1S8 174 17 Tangerine Ave.

So. Ph. 7-ISOf Cera mics S. c. E.

A. FANEUF PETTY PH. 74-8324 i yellow stone, and several white sapphire stones. Reward. Ph.

77-2042. HETLER P.ur 72 rn Heating "if EA TLVTJlTsi DETlki Kf A WELLS NURSERY HOUSE WIRING FLEMMING ELECTRIC Instailattt.r. I'lamrng Estimates Crr 35 St. 3 Ave So Pn 75,645: vicinitv Mickey. 131- 12 Aif.

No. East of 4 St. j'h. 41-3072 LT: GREEN PARAKEET. In 40th St.

ft Lealman. Named Ph. 41-3211. ii LADY ESTHER CERAMICS 163 3rd St. No.

Ph. 75-6193 Cams, gifts, sunnnes ft firing. Jay" era i cs Inst, supplies, work rm. Greenware firins 2444 5th A ve. No.

Tel. 7-PS2 Concrete, Tile, Brick Work c. LITTLE El.onrt FI PNACES E. LOVE ROOFING CO. Licen-cd Opneians ft Stvli-is Tim 9 pm.

ph. 7 27 21 A.A.A. OPTICAL SERVICE I Day srrvire on brokfn irr 'J t'nnlrPl Ave T'l 7 Uvcrhccd Doors DXW FG (UT'DOO RS Bill I fill HAR1IS1IN-" ten ST No Pn 52 foperino. Decoratinc L. SOD.

Litter ue. tt. A Ccmp.ete I.avcs I'liri I'p'rns DISTRIBUTOR DEMING BURKS PUMPS HKKP ft SHALI-'V. VVFLL PINELLAS MACHINE CO. D-i I rL r- i ji.

reiersuurg cieciric inc. oo sr SPECIALIZING IN REMODELlNl Houe Movers I 1 AMUsem*nTS A Gifted Reader MADAM DIANE Lost: Baby bine young Inf. as ito whereabouts will be appreciated. Left vie, of 9th St. ft 39th Av.

N. Ph. 41-6311. HAS A-N VONE SEEN 4 HUTER? A fox I terrier, white with black spots, lots of grey jaround the face and ears with two brown i spots above eyes, is yrs. old and weighs Established 1315i Com mercip i.

Industrial. ResidPntia! 1744 CENTRAL PH. 7-7381 HOUSE MOVING Ph. 7 57- 4 O.N I LUORS. walks, porches ft shuffleboard courts.

Free est! mates Leon C. Bishop. 79-1861, Anything in brick and block work. Concrete steps, porches, etc. AND RAlSiNi; CONTRACTING HilM-'eos 25c and Crottms 25c ft up VETERAN LAX DSC A PING 354 16 Ave No.

Phore DON'T PLANT WEEDS in yolr la-an. cse our wasl-'ei lawn sand it's weed and seei ('ree. Largo ashed sand co phone 1.argo RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL 1 have moved 'orc mote nouse in thlf moveri Tmir mind Is like an open book to me. 16 lbs- Hs tw0 lower eth are out. WALLIS ELECTRIC Home address 701 37th Ave.

So. Phone Ed Milton. 3918 6th Ave. No Ph. area tne yrs.

tnan an otne combined. FREE ESTIMATES. 7--316 JOHN SWOPE lINT 4(iB wanted by permanent resident Inside or out. What have vnu to Ph. 74-8271 PAINTING, carpenter repairs" piastencg Roofing, remodeling.

Free est. Will fi ranc. Ouarnteed work Sonhere 7-o41 eated nevt tn State Theatre 687 Central 51-7523. REWARD. Ist Ave.


-13th Ave. No Electrical Repairing i Air conditioned. 9 a. m. till 10 p.

tn. information leading to his where Ph. 7-1392. With this ad a complete abouts. or even knowledge that he is dead reading for 50c.


9-4573 H. J. ALDRICH. INC. ft white striped cat.

wmte diamond on top of nis care or LA rt NS A DAILY I AlNTING CONTRACTOR Licensed ft Insured. 25 yrs. exp. 427- 24h Are. No Ph.

7-1-55 Perpetual Top Soil. 23344411 Job Power mowing PLANTED rertiiizer Ph LARGE OKAY fur forms a back. Name 73-5461. -lourecleaning 3-. S.i Ph.

75-82C1 Radio Dealer's and Service tommy, wii 41-1S24 or Kit)cK VYork ft Inside Fla. rm. Fiower PLOWING DISCING itADl.sG REPAIRS ON ALL ELEC. MOTORS i VAN DOMLEN'S 1525 16th St. So.

Ph. 70-6863 I tiring in your electric toater. irons. L.ns Ail small appliances. WE FIX EM.

LUCIAN CRUMP ELEC CONTRACTOR 275 16th St. No. Ph 79-253-j; ELECTRIC RAZORS ALL MAKES REPAIRED 104 PLAZA BLDG PH 77-6803. Mildew Destroyed Dirt Removed Costs less than you think EA.M LUX 787945 Free Delivery Testing 7 Tronsportation MOW'ING lawns planted. Fill oirt top soil.


STAIRWAYS, STEPS MAJOR INDUSTRIES tiun 1437- 49th Ae No ph 41-155 BIM.MsS. let me e-, limate on your interior and exfrior work. I can save you money Phone; PAlSllNG EXTERIOR ft INTERIOR GOOD WORK. REASONABLE. IVI I'Hl PH 71 '94 LEAVING FRIDAY, Aug.

22. Take 1 or more to Lake City. Augusta. Bluefieid. Pittsburgh.

Phones 70-7542 or 70-7354. B-4-L PALM Mime na lirt removed from walls and roofs. R. Charcey 42 2184 LIFE READING by MME. DAWN SPECIAL" Complete reading 50c thru the remainder of this month on'y Anv three questions answered free.

320 Central, across from Willson-Cbase. 9 i. to 8 p. m. Ph.

7-2367. ASIA TEAL A psvchte who sees tomorrow. Reliable advice and help on alt affairs. (Special Reading SI. 00).

Hrs. 9 to 8 Daily ft Sunday. Take Bus No. 4. or No.

16 to the door i S208 Haines Rd. Look for sign. Closed Wednesday. LAND0 SON NURSERY Free Estimates Ph. 7-8488 NO PARKING WORRIES S.MPLY CALL 7-2782 AUTHORIZED SERVICE PHTLCORCA-ZEMTH SCOTT GEN EMERSON ASHEVILLF RADIO-TELEVISION FS: Centra, St So.

Ch. (4-2201 serving our town 27 years on cleaners. mSUTOnCP contractors YOUNG MAN LEAVING Aug. 26 Louis. Will take one, share expenses.

Ph. 9-3061 day. tuaaiers, irons, mixers. va(-uci 8.JL.EA.N-, PH 7 1131 ALITY PAINTING I 'iest of re: Neat workmanship. A ooLan I CALL US FOR FREE ESIIWAILS COMPLE1E LANDSCAPING SERVICE I SOD ft SPOT SOD OUR SPECIALTY euc-ve ireei- ER SERVICE 172S Centra! Ph 7-1 CONSTRUCTION CQ J.

"Jitnmie" White, Agcy. 470 -1st Ave. So. Ph. 7-7731 FHA lans Pen! E--t'Te evening for Cen-3 to help LEAVING.

THI RMIAY tral Ohio. Win take Phone 71-7973. Y'our home ouilt for $8 ft. ft up. Free Electrical Supplies 1 Inuraf'-'r SPECIALIST JOHN N1S0S RaTHO CO I SERVICE ALL MAKES OF RADIOS Tit S' So Pn 7 5Kii D.

G0HEEN, Insurance t-LECTRIC SUPPLIES of all km.is Full one LIGHTING FIXTURES ELECTRIC SERVICE CO. 8 -n; St r. 2 HOUSE BILL 1175 riffany H. H. "Hal' peeiaiizmg Painting construction, Sma' CHILDSON Remodeling New repair.

Ph. 7n-non. mitations After ASSOCIATE LOWEST RATE IN A Safe Way Saves Y'our Life, Time. Monev" Chi. 37.

Cm. $30. Pittsh. ciev. Pet.

43. N. Orl. S25. Hotioort 45.

La. OGDEN R. MOE i 20 yrs esp. free estimates Red Wood I Vard. Pn 7-7331.

If no ans. ca 1 I CO.MPLLTS YARD SERVICE VEALS EXP CONTRACT OP. JOB LL CP.KW HUNTER i'n. II WTSP For Your Listening Pleasure 1 175 1941. Ph 1 Bill No.

Florida. In compliance with House Chspter No. 20953 Laws of 2.4. CENTRAL AVE SHAPPLESS RADIO Wis wv I ii 1N El, I'LCOl: M' .1 At pn 4M Texture .211 2nd Ave No. r.mr For Your F.eadir.g Advertise Your Wants ft Don't Wants In The Times The Co." 304 EeYeung, owner.

9 St. No. Nelsonan $112. Seatl. S11S.

Via, J7. N.Y. $53 iCall 71-2791 24 hour service 4-215)! lllAi -iiti Times Classified Dept. For Your Pleasure.

Tampa Bay Times from St. Petersburg, Florida (2024)


Which city is bigger Tampa or St Petersburg? ›

Tampa is a larger city and has more job opportunities - and traffic. St. Petersburg is smaller and is closer to the beach. The best city for you will depend on what you are looking for in a place to live - and the budget for your next home.

Is it cheaper to stay in Tampa or St Petersburg? ›

The average daily cost (per person) in Saint Petersburg is $204, while the average daily cost in Tampa is $179. These costs include accommodation (assuming double occupancy, so the traveler is sharing the room), food, transportation, and entertainment.

Where to get Tampa Bay Times? ›

You can find the Tampa Bay Times' e-Newspaper at enewspaper.tampabay.com or search for "Tampa Bay Times" in the Google or Apple store to download the app. The app is free to download, but the e-Newspaper requires a subscription to read. You can purchase a subscription at https://subscribe.tampabay.com.

Is the Tampa Bay Times conservative or liberal? ›

As reported by other local media outlets in the Tampa Bay area at the time of this acquisition, for many years the Tampa Tribune was considered to be the more conservative newspaper in the region, while the Tampa Bay Times was thought of as more liberal.

What is the best area to live in St. Petersburg, Florida? ›

Snell Isle - A Top Choice Among the Best Neighborhoods in St Petersburg FL. Snell Isle is a luxurious, suburban neighborhood located in northeast St. Petersburg, Florida. Known for its waterfront properties and upscale homes, Snell Isle offers a serene environment with easy access to downtown amenities.

What percentage of Tampa is white? ›

Tampa Race Breakdown

White: 58.8% (44.4% of people identify as white and not Hispanic or Latino) Hispanic or Latino: 26.2%

Which beach is better, St. Pete or Clearwater? ›

If you prefer a relaxed, laid-back atmosphere with a focus on the beach and water activities, St. Pete Beach might be your pick. If you're looking for a more vibrant scene with a mix of beach fun, shopping, and entertainment, Clearwater Beach could be the one for you.

Is St Pete expensive to live? ›

St. Petersburg, Florida's cost of living is 5% lower than the national average. The cost of living in any area can vary based on factors such as your career, its average salary and the real estate market of that area.

What time do the gates open at Tampa Bay Rays? ›

Gates open 90 minutes before first pitch for Monday - Friday Rays home games and two hours before first pitch on Opening Day and Saturday - Sunday Rays home games. Gate 4 is open to suite holders and The Baldwin Group Club ticket holders. All gates are wheelchair accessible.

What days are the Tampa Bay Times delivered? ›

  • Home Delivery: Sunday and Wednesday print editions.
  • e-Newspaper: Digital replica of the printed paper seven days a week.
  • tampabay.com: Unlimited access 24/7.
  • Subscribers Only. ...
  • Newsletters: DayStarter and News Alerts.
  • Mobile app: Easy access to enjoy our content anytime, anywhere.

Is the Tampa Bay Times a daily paper? ›

The Tampa Bay Times, formerly the St. Petersburg Times, is a daily newspaper based in St. Petersburg, Florida, that serves the larger Tampa Bay area.

Why are they called Tampa Bay and not Tampa? ›

Business and political leaders worried Tampa was too small for the NFL, but knew that they could get a team by marketing an area that included St. Petersburg and Clearwater. That is why the team was named the Tampa Bay Buccaneers and not the Tampa Buccaneers when the NFL awarded the city the franchise in 1974.

Who is the owner of the Tampa Bay Times? ›

About us. Times Publishing Company is owned by the Poynter Institute for Media Studies. This unique ownership structure makes the Times one of the few locally owned, fully independent news organizations in the country.

What sport is Tampa known for? ›

Often referred to as “the Bucs,” the Tampa Bay Buccaneers are Tampa's National Football League team, established in 1976. Since then, they've gone through the thrilling ups and downs that are typical of professional sports teams, hitting a high point as Super Bowl champions in 2003.

Is Tampa the largest city in Florida? ›

The population of Tampa is approximately 392,800 making it the 3rd largest city in Florida and the 53rd largest city in the United States.

Which airport is bigger Tampa or St. Petersburg? ›

St Petersburg-Clearwater International Airport is located 10km north of St Petersburg and serves the Tampa Bay Area in Florida. The airport is the smaller airport serving the Tampa Bay area, after Tampa International Airport.

Is St. Petersburg a big city? ›

Saint Petersburg is the fourth-most populous city in Europe, the most populous city on the Baltic Sea, and the world's northernmost city of more than 1 million residents. As Russia's former Imperial capital, and a historically strategic port, it is governed as a federal city.

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Author: Allyn Kozey

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Author information

Name: Allyn Kozey

Birthday: 1993-12-21

Address: Suite 454 40343 Larson Union, Port Melia, TX 16164

Phone: +2456904400762

Job: Investor Administrator

Hobby: Sketching, Puzzles, Pet, Mountaineering, Skydiving, Dowsing, Sports

Introduction: My name is Allyn Kozey, I am a outstanding, colorful, adventurous, encouraging, zealous, tender, helpful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.