Uci Financial Aid Appointment (2025)

1. Contact Us - UCI Financial Aid

  • Meet the Team

  • Find information about the Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships, Merage School of Business, School of Law, and School of Medicine.

2. Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships | UCI

  • Contact Us · Scholarships · Dates & Deadlines · Loans

  • UCI Enrollment Management - Financial Aid Homepage

3. Financial Aid Appointments @ Celebrate UCI

  • All available appointments are now full. You may also speak with a Financial Aid representative between 10:00 am and 5:00 pm, Monday through Friday.

  • UCI is working to keep students safe. Supporting our community and students during this time is our top priority. Please visit UCI's coronavirus information hub (https://uci.edu/coronavirus/) for the latest campus updates.

4. Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships

  • Missing: appointment | Show results with:appointment

  • The Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships supports the university’s goal of ensuring that highly-promising students from a wide range of backgrounds and experiences are able to attend the university. The mission of our office is to provide students and their families with all available financial resources to ensure access to their academic goals. The office provides comprehensive financial information that makes going to the university possible. The Office aims to remove financial barriers and devise strategies that allow students to focus on academic success and take full advantage of the university experience. Process improvements are continually developed to make obtaining federal, state, institutional and outside agency financial aid assistance easier.

5. Housing | Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships | UCI

  • Contact a Student Housing Accounts Counselor at 949-824-3333 or shac@uci.edu if you have any questions regarding your housing charges, housing payments, or ...

  • September 22, 2024 - Dear Students, Thank you for your continued patience as we work through the ongoing issues with the financial aid notification process. We understand how important it is for you to know your award status, and we sincerely regret the impact this delay may be having. While some students have already received their financial aid notices, the remaining awards continue to be processed. As shared earlier, please be assured that you will not be dropped from classes or campus housing due to late payments resulting from this situation. The system handling award notices and online access is facing several unprecedented challenges, and our team is working diligently to resolve them as quickly as possible. For the latest information, additional updates will be posted on ofas.uci.edu. We appreciate your understanding and will provide further updates as soon as they become available.

6. UC Irvine Grant | Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships | UCI

7. Graduate Division | Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships | UCI

  • Do you need to schedule a phone appointment? Hop on the QLESS to schedule a phone appointment. BOOK NOW · Admissions · Registrar · Financial Services · Help ...

  • September 22, 2024 - Dear Students, Thank you for your continued patience as we work through the ongoing issues with the financial aid notification process. We understand how important it is for you to know your award status, and we sincerely regret the impact this delay may be having. While some students have already received their financial aid notices, the remaining awards continue to be processed. As shared earlier, please be assured that you will not be dropped from classes or campus housing due to late payments resulting from this situation. The system handling award notices and online access is facing several unprecedented challenges, and our team is working diligently to resolve them as quickly as possible. For the latest information, additional updates will be posted on ofas.uci.edu. We appreciate your understanding and will provide further updates as soon as they become available.

8. Resources and Helpful Links | Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships

  • The Financial Aid Office will be open extended hours: Monday to Friday from 8:00am - 7:00pm, and Saturday to Sunday from 9:00am - 4:00pm. For status updates and ...

  • Resources and Helpful Links at UCI UCI maintains a host of helpful links and resources to help students navigate the financial aid process, from applying for FAFSA to Work-Study opportunities.

9. Help Paying Your Bill: Financial Assistance and Charity Care

  • For information regarding our Financial Assistance Program, please contact our Shared Business Office at 833-353-7700, Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 4 ...

  • It is our mission to provide care to everyone, regardless of their ability to pay. Read more about our financial assistance and charity care policy. If you have any questions, call a Patient Services Representative at 714-456-6324.

10. Student Financial Aid and Scholarships | University of Illinois ...

  • As a Student Affairs unit, we believe that financial literacy is key to enhancing a student's college experience and transition after graduation. Our ...

  • UIC Student Financial Aid & Scholarships (SFAS) supports our students and families by administering federal, state, external, and institutional aid. As a Student Affairs unit, we believe that financial literacy is key to enhancing a student’s college experience and transition after graduation. Our professional staff provides personalized counseling and outreach to empower students and make higher education more accessible.

Student Financial Aid and Scholarships | University of Illinois ...

11. Grants | Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships | UCI

  • The Financial Aid Office will be open extended hours: Monday to Friday from 8:00am - 7:00pm, and Saturday to Sunday from 9:00am - 4:00pm. For status updates and ...

  • Financial Aid & Grants at UCI Know your options when it comes to federal, state, and university grants, including enrollment requirements, important deadlines, and how to apply.

12. Forms and Appeals | Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships | UCI

  • For the latest information, additional updates will be posted on ofas.uci.edu. We appreciate your understanding and will provide further updates as soon as they ...

  • Forms and Appeals at UCI Understand the rights, responsibilities, and requirements that come with accepting financial aid at UCI. Search according to your student status, from prospective students to medical students.

13. Financial Aid Process | UCI Law

  • In order to qualify for need-based grants, and federal financial aid students must complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).

14. It pays to complete the CA Dream application - UCI Financial Aid

  • Do you need to schedule a phone appointment? Hop on the QLESS to schedule a phone appointment. BOOK NOW · Admissions · Registrar · Financial Services · Help ...

  • Receiving Your Financial Aid with the California DREAM Act Know the steps you need to take in order to receive your financial aid, including paying your fees on time and understanding your disbursement dates.

15. Enrollment Requirements | Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships | UCI

  • For the latest information, additional updates will be posted on ofas.uci.edu. We appreciate your understanding and will provide further updates as soon as they ...

  • Know the number of class hours you may be required to take in order to keep your financial aid, including federal, state, and UCI financial aid awards.

16. 5 Steps To Enrolling In UCI Online's Medical Assisting Program

  • Jun 14, 2023 · Once you have completed your financial aid appointment, it is important to sign the enrollment documents your admissions team member sent ...

  • So you’ve made the decision to continue your education by attending UCI Online's Medical Assisting program. Or perhaps you want a career in a year by attending

5 Steps To Enrolling In UCI Online's Medical Assisting Program

17. [PDF] Charity Care Policy - UCI Health

  • individual seeking financial assistance in certain circumstances, as identified in the Presumptive. Eligibility procedures below. 3. Information about UCI ...

18. (Test) Advising Services for Current and Prospective Graduate Students

  • Graduate Students: Appointments are available from the Division of Career Pathways by visiting uci.joinhandshake.com and selecting the appropriate appointment ...

  • Career Advising Graduate Students: Appointments are available from the Division of Career Pathways by visiting uci.joinhandshake.com and selecting the appropriate appointment type…

19. UCI Housing (I just submitted my SIR) - UC Transfers

  • Jun 1, 2010 · 5.

    Cosign on that financial aid part. Is there a deadline to ...

    However a counseling appointment is. You should be receiving your ...

  • So I just submitted by SIR for Irvine, and when I got to the page that offers housing, it said that I have “no offers.”

    Does this mean I submitted my SIR too late, and therefore there’s no housing left?

    Or is it because I’m a transfer student, and priority is given to non-transfer students?

    Or is it a glitch?

    I’m hoping to get housing for next year (whether it’s for the fall quarter of the winter quarter.) I only live 20 minutes away from campus, but I’d like t...

UCI Housing (I just submitted my SIR) - UC Transfers

20. News and Announcements | Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships | UCI

  • Is it time to pay fees? Are there any special deadlines? We've got all your important news, announcements, and deadlines right here. The Office of Financial Aid ...

  • The following are Frequently-Asked Questions about FAFSA Simplification:

21. Financial Literacy | Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships | UCI

  • UCI Basic Needs Center is offering a peer-to-peer financial wellness consultation service that covers budgeting, credit, savings, and more. Our Peer Educators ...

  • Financial Literacy at UCI Learn how to better manage your finances during and after your college education, including debt management.

Uci Financial Aid Appointment (2025)
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Author: Dr. Pierre Goyette

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Name: Dr. Pierre Goyette

Birthday: 1998-01-29

Address: Apt. 611 3357 Yong Plain, West Audra, IL 70053

Phone: +5819954278378

Job: Construction Director

Hobby: Embroidery, Creative writing, Shopping, Driving, Stand-up comedy, Coffee roasting, Scrapbooking

Introduction: My name is Dr. Pierre Goyette, I am a enchanting, powerful, jolly, rich, graceful, colorful, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.